11th December 2024

Search Deanshanger Parish Council

Serving the people of Deanshanger

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The CERT needs to be established to coordinate the community's response to any incident. They are also responsible for keeping the plan up to date.

Roles within the team would be Co-ordinator, Deputy Co-ordinator, Team member (Communications), Team Member (Liaison) and team members.

The role of the CERT Co-ordinator is to:

  • Pull together the Community Emergency Plan
  • Ensure that the plan is regularly reviewed and updated
  • Report annually to the Community detailing if the plan has been activated and highlighting any changes to the CERT members
  • Act as a focal point for the community in the response to an emergency
  • Act as the main contact point for District and County Councils and the emergency services, to ensure that two-way communication is maintained
  • Ensure that the appropriate authorities and individuals are notified
  • Communicate important messages to the community
  • Delegate specific roles to others on the CERT
  • Activate resources as required
  • Identify vulnerable members of the community

Tasks should be delegated to team members as appropriate. The Co-ordinator should ensure that all team members are engaged in the planning and response processes.

All members of the CERT should:

  • Reside in the community
  • Have good local knowledge
  • Be able to activate the support of the community and speak on behalf of the community
  • Ensure that the vulnerable are provided with additional assurance during an emergency
  • Ensure that communications are maintained within the community and District Council
  • Ensure that Confidentiality is maintained where necessary
  • Maintain his / her own action log in the event of an emergency
  • Create a 'grab bag' containing the plan and any appropriate clothing / equipment which may be required
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the plan to act as Co-Ordinator in their absence

The Deputy and other team members should support the Co-Ordinator in carrying out their role.




Ray Collins


Anne Thompson

Team member


Carly Whiles

Team Member


Teresa Floyd

Parish Clerk

Team Member

(Evacuation and Welfare)

June Lake

Lisa Harper

School Liaison

Miss Morris (DPC)

Hayley Richardson (EWS)

Team Member

Arthur Greaves

Team Member

Jennie Dott

Team Member

Ian Fernandez

Team Member

Further team members required – please contact clerk@deanshangerpc.com

Last updated: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 12:29